Summary: | Background: Prevention of accident through control of occupational danger or
occupational risk analysis requires a measurable and effective method.
PT.Chevron Pasific Indonesia has implemented Job Safety Analysis (JSA) since
1999. Occupational accident in the department of Maintanance Operational
Support and Certification still occurs since 2006 until the research was conducted.
Objective: To study the correlation of Knowledge of Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH), Motivation of OSH and the implementation of Job Safety Analysis
(JSA) with occupational accident.
Method of Research: This research investigateD questionnaire data with
crosssectional study design. It employed questionnaire of knowledge of OSH,
questionnaire of motivation of OSH, questionnaire of implementation of JSA, and
questionnaire of occupational accident.
Result of Research: (1) Logistic regression result indicates that there is
correlation of knowledge of occupational safety and health (OSH), motivation of
OSH, implementation of Job Safety Analysis with occupational accident with pvalue
of P=0.043, P=0.049, P=0.048 respectively, effective contribution of R2=
0.257, and the most dominant is varible of motivation of OSH (Exp β= 0.970