Summary: | This study was aimed to test the effectiveness of Javanese Gamelan Group
Program to increase level of emotional well-being and social skill in adolescents.
The hypothesis proposed for this study was �Javanese Gamelan Group Program
is effective to increase level of emotional well-being and social skill in
adolescents�.The experimental group that received Javanese Gamelan Group
Program experienced a increase level of emotional well-being and social skill
compared to that of control group that did not received Javanese Gamelan
Group Program.
The subjects of this study were 16 students of SMP Negeri 2 and SMP
Negeri 7 Magelang who were registered as active students, suffered average to
low level of emotional well-being and social skill, and voluntarily participated in
the program. They were assigned into two groups, group that received training
(experimental group), consisting of 8 students, and group that did not receive
program (control group), consisting of 8 students. PANAS-X was used during the
selection of subjects as a screening to find out whether or not they had emotional
well-being. School Social Behavior Scales (SSBC) was used during the selection
of subjects as a screening to find out whether or not they had social skill. The
experimental design for this study was a pretest-posttest control group design.
The treatment was Javanese Gamelan Group Program on the experimental
The multivariate mix design, that analyzed difference score between the
experimental group and the control group, indicated that the Javanese Gamelan
Group Program was effective in increase level of emotional well-being and social
skill in adolescents. It was shown by the result of F = 13,844 dengan p = 0,001
(p<0,05). Thus, the Javanese Gamelan Group Program had an effective of 7,8%
to increase emotional well-being and 12,2% to increase social skill among