Summary: | This graduating paper studies two Oscar Wilde�s stories, namely, �The
Selfish Giant� and �The Star Child. The research attempts to reveal the
process of turning from sin that is experienced by the protagonist of the two
stories: the selfish giant and the pride child. The objectives of the research are
to see how the repentance is conducted and the effects for the character�s life.
The analysis involves the sin committed, the effect of the sin, the reason why
the character eventually repented, the characters� action to prove that they
have changed, and the life of the character after the repentance. This research
used the objective approach by Abrams. In purpose to see the repentance
conducted by the characters, the paper concentrated only in the work itself.
The data of this research is collected by library research and analyzed by
descriptive method. The result tells that the repentance is done by the
recognition of sins that leads into the change of mind and behavior. Further it
creates character transformation. Repentance happens because there is mistake
that should be fixed. It is not easy to fix the mistake. External forces take role
to realize the mistake, but to change the mind and behavior is the choice of the
sinner himself. The change of mind should be completed with timeless
concrete action to prove total turns. And at the end, better life are the fruit for
those who have a will to come back to God�s way.