Summary: | This study was conducted considering the importance of metacognition in
mastery of math. Metacognition is developed during elementary school years and
is affected by the children�s activities. One activity that close to children�s life is
playing, while one of plays that stimulates metacognition is imaginative play.
Other than that, metacognition is affected by intelligence. It is therefore, this
research tried to investigate the effect of imaginative play in metacognition of
math among children with intelligence as the covariable.
Method used in this study was quasi experiment using the untreated
controlled group design with dependent pretest and posttest samples. There
were three groups used in this study, which were: Experiment Group 1, this group
was given storytelling as the treatment, Experiment Group 2, this group was
given pretending plays as the treatment, and Group 3 is a control group.
Metacognition was measured with Metacognitive Skills and Knowledge
Assessment developed by Desoete, Roeyers, & Buysse (2001), meanwhile
intelligence was measured with Standard Progressive Matrices developed by
Using the statistic of ancova, the result showed the value of F 12.526
(p<0.05) meaning that by controlling intelligence, it was found that there was an
effect of imaginative play to metacognition. Based on pairwise comparison it was
found that: a) there was a significant difference of metacognition between the
group 1 (storytelling as the treatment) and group 3 (control group), b) there was a
significant difference of metacognition between the group 1 (storytelling as the
treatment) and group 2 (pretending play as the treatment), but 3) there was no
significant difference of metacognition between the group 2 (pretending play as
the treatment and group 3 (control group). It was found that the effective
contribution of imaginative play to the variance of metacognition was 29.5% (R
squared = 0.295) and effective contribution of intelligence to the variance of
metacognition was 10.7% (R squared= 0.107).