Summary: | Medical instruction to the nurse must be in writing, but in the fact
the nurse often accept and implement medical instruction verbally via
telephone. The purpose of this research was to determine the occurrence of
medical instructions doctors were given via telephone to the nurse,
knowing kind of instructions doctors were given via telephone to the
nurse, reviewing and analyzing the legal nurse liability as implementers of
medical instruction via telephone in the ward Surakarta Islamic Hospital.
The subjects were nurses who worked in the ward and the medical
staff committee of Surakarta Islamic Hospital. Samples were determined
using a Non-Random purposive sampling technique. The data was
collected through interviews and study document.
The results of this research are medical instruction via telephone
occurs due to the limited number of the ward physician who has a duty to
report the condition of patients in no more than 30 minutes to the
Responsible Care Doctor (DPJP), because in 30 minutes the ward attending
physician can not report the patient's condition to DPJP, consequently,
nurse must report the patient condition to DPJP and DPJP finally gave
instructions to the nurse. The instruction given consisted of two types,
medical act and nursing act instructions. Instruction in the form of medical
acts are provision of oral and injectable medications, inserting an IV drip,
NGT, ETT, DC, O2 cannula over 3 liters, NRM, Nebulizer, and
implementation of Torakosintesis, while instruction nursing actions are
setting bed rest patients, delivering patient to X-rays, collaboration with
physiotherapist, wound care, calculating fluid balance, doing compress,
taking blood samples, vital sign observations, caring before and after
surgery, doing of patient personal hygiene, consulting with nutrition
installation, rinsing the hull, as well as, mobilizing and motivating patients.
Nurses in the ward Surakarta Islamic Hospital are not alone responsible in
case of undesirable events that happened to the patient due to the
implementation of medical instruction via telephone that does.
Responsibilities are also covered by the doctor and hospital.