Summary: | Every year more and more graduates from university becoming job seekers, it is not
rare for a university graduate to be unemployed. Difficulty in finding work often occurs
because the graduates do not have a good career planning so that individuals do not
have a clear career direction. The purpose of this experimental study was to determine
the effectiveness of knowledge sharing in career planning to increase career decision
making self-efficacy of job seekers. Subjects were 57 people subject, 30 subjects were
in the experimental group and 27 were in the control group. The criteria of subjects is a
graduation degree with 0 to 3 years old who has a low, medium or high CDSE score.
The experimental group will receive manipulation, the other group was a waiting list for
the next batch and data was not analized. Data analysis was performed using mixed
anova. The results of data analysis showed that career planning using knowledge
sharing methods was statistically proven to improve career decision making selfefficacy
of job seekers (F = 22.736, p <0.00). Findings and suggestions for other
researchers are discussed further.