Summary: | Research on the morphological character of roots of soybean cultivar
resistant to drought is still very limited, information about that is not available.
Therefore study and determine the morphological characters of soybean roots in
drought stress conditions was conducted from January to March 2012 at the
Experimental Farm Tri Dharma Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gadjah
Mada, Banguntapan, Bantul-Yogyakarta on the plastic house and soil types
regosol. Pot experiment using a randomized complete block design with 3 blocks
as replications. The first factor was composed of five soybean cultivars levels :
Willis (drought tolerant), Tidar (drought tolerant), Gema (drought tolerant),
Grobogan (sensitive) and Argomulyo (sensitive). The second factor was the
watering interval consists of 4 standard, namely: watering intervals 1, 2, 4 and 8
days. The results provided information that drought stress caused a decrease in
soil water status, followed by a decrease in water content of soybean roots.
Cultivar Wilis, Tidar and Gema showed morphological characters increasing of
root length, root area, root volume and root shoot ratio higher. However, those in
Grobogan and Argomulyo were low. Good growth of root length, root area, root
volume and root crown ratio was adaptation mechanism of soybean against
drought stress. Drought stress resulted in decreased growth and yield of soybean.
Cultivar Wilis, Tidar and Gema showed reduced relative growth root,root dry
weight, total dry weight and dry weight of plant seeds less than Grobogan and