Summary: | This study aims to analyze the growth poles and the impact of human
capital on regional economic growth in Lampung Province during 2002-2011.
Human capital is proxied by mean years of schooling and adult literacy rate. The
data used are secondary data from Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Regional
Development Planning Board (Bappeda) of Lampung Province.
This study was initiated by identifying regencies/cities which are growth
poles of Lampung Province using the analysis of real Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GRDP) per capita growth as Kubis, Titze, and Ragnitz (2007).
Furthermore, the growth spillover effects were analyzed by using the Capello�s
formula (2009). To determine the variables that characterize the regencies/cities as
growth poles and non-growth poles, used discriminant analysis with stepwise
method. Finally, panel data regression analysis with fixed effect model to estimate
the impact of human capital on economic growth in Lampung Province.
This study found that Bandar Lampung is the growth pole in Lampung
Province and there is no high inequality of growth spillover effects that received
by the regencies and cities in Lampung Province. The number of workers and
average years of schooling are dominant distinguishing characteristics of the
classification of regencies and cities as growth poles and non-growth poles. Both
average years of schooling and adult literacy rate, as human capital variables,
have significantly positive impact on economic growth in Lampung Province
during 2002-2011. It can be concluded that human capital is one of the main
regional economic growth determinants in Lampung Province.