Yhteenveto: | Digital Certificate is a tool that can be used as a proof for electronic
transaction users, which include electronic signature and identity that show
the status of legal subjects in electronic transaction. It is issued by
certification Authority (Penyelenggara Sertifikasi Elektronik). There is only
one Certification Authority owned by Indonesian government so far and is
currently not in effect. Electronic transactions users have been using
International CA as an alternative. This research is proposed to seek for
opportunity in which Public Notary implementing CA authority as well as
helping CA in issuing digital certificate. Other objective in this research is
to find opportunities that can be applied by Public Notary in giving services
through the utilization of Information Technology and Communication
nowadays. This objective is studied to look for the extent to which Notary
has become prepared if there really is an opportunity to perform CA
This research is a normative research that is supported with
empirical research. Although this research is normative research, but, to
support secondary data functioning to confirm facts associated with
research objectives, a field research was needed to obtain primary data, then
the collected data are analyzed by qualitative method.
The results of this research indicate that Public Notary has the
opportunity to perform CA competency in issuing digital certificate as a
Registration Authority, and it is likely to become CA if the government opt
out or change the constitution in which stated that CA has to be a
corporation. The other result shows that Indonesian Public Notaries have
been utilizing Information Technology and Communication and it has
become a system in giving notary services such as e-mail, video conference,
and online registration of legal entity through Sistem Administrasi Badan
Hukum, with the result that shows both facts, it is concluded that Indonesian
Public Notary is likely to develop its services in electronic transactions.