Summary: | There are many shallot cultivars cultivated in Java with varying greatly
morphological traits and yield. Morphological and yield variation indicate that there
are genetic variation and varying in resistance to pest and disease. One of major
disease that cause yield losses of shallot is Fusarium Basal Rot (FBR) caused by
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae (Foc). The pathogen could cause yield losses of
shallot in field up to 90%.
The number of sixteen shallot cultivars were collected and studied for
determining polymorphisms of nuclear based on Random Amplified Polymorphism
DNA (RAPD) and the morphological traits. Potted research was conducted at
greenhouse from December to February 2012, in Department of Agriculture,
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta. Four shallot cultivars were selected
for study the response to Foc under biofertilizer application. They were Kuning,
Trisula, Tiron, and Crok cultivars. The field experiment was carried out from June to
August 2012 at the Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station
(ATRD/KP4) in Kalitirto, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The research was design split plot 4 x
4, with three replications. The plots consisted of shallot which cultivated in Foc
inoculation, biofertilizer application, combination of Foc inoculation and biofertilizer
application, and without any treatments. The subplot consisted of shallot cultivars.
All data were statistically analyzed using the analysis of variance. Standard error was
tested to determine the significant differences among treatment means.
Similarity coefficient among shallot cultivars as revealed by UPGMA cluster
analysis of RAPD markers generated to molecular dendogram. The similarity of
genetic dendogram ranged from 0.85 to 0.66 and separated of cultivars into two
groups. Based on morphological analysis, there were variations of all variable that
tested. Mophological dendogram made possible to identify four group.
Fusarium Basal Rot (FBR) incidence caused by seedborne was 6.94%.
Biofertilizer application did not show decreasing significantly FBR incidence but it
could increasing number of bulbs per plant on Crok and Kuning cultivars. FBR
incidence with 43.75% caused by Foc inoculation was significantly decreasing plant
height, sum of bulbs, diameter of bulbs, and length of bulbs. However, yield of
shallot that cultivated on Foc inoculation showed decreasing significantly from 1.05
kg/m2 to 0.63 kg/m2. FBR incidence and increase the yield of shallot. FBR incidence
and yield of Trisula, Crok and Tiron cultivars which cultivated on inoculated by Foc
and under biofertilizer application did not show significantly difference compared to
Kuning cultivar as susceptible to Foc.