Summary: | Organic farming is growing rapidly in Indonesia, due to the support by
farmers, consumers and the government. In line with these development there are
constraints faced by farmers in terms of the provisions dealing with the cultivation
of organi food which refers to SNI 6729 in 2010 in which the seed used in organic
farming must come from organic farming itself. This is a constraint for organic
seed, especially rice seed are on the market yet. In addition to the seed, organic
farming requires a suitable varieties for organic conditions, suspected nutrient
deficiencies, while special varieties are produced to organic land is not yet
" The Effect of differences seed origin in organic and conventional
farming on the physiological growth and yield organic rice of local cultivars and
superior". The study was conducted at the experimental garden greenhouse
Tridharma Faculty of Agriculture, University of Gadjah Mada in Banguntapan,
Bantul, Yogyakarta ranging from March to August 2012. The research aimed to
study the effect of seed on local varieties and to the physiological properties of
organic growth and yield of rice as well as determining a good seed for local rice
varieties and organically grown.
Research using randomized block design consisting of two factors, the
first factor is the superior cultivars of rice cultivar IR 64 (I), and the local cultivars
Mentik Wangi Susu (M) the second factor is the origin of the seed used is derived
from the seeds of organic farming (O), and seeds derived from conventional
farming (K). The combination treatment was repeated 5 times. Data
measurements and observations of physiological parameters, growth and results
were analyzed range, if there is a significant difference continued with Duncant
multiple range test at 5% level. Correlation analyzes were conducted on several
variables observations to examine the relationship between variables.
The results showed that there was no significant effect between organic
and conventional seeds to local cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu) and superior
cultivars (IR 64) both to the physiological properties and growth and yield of
organic rice except the hypothetical variable vigor index, seedling leaf area, total
seedling dry weight, leaf nitrogen content, relative growth rate, and root diameter.
There is no real difference between organic and conventional seed seed.Local
cultivars (Mentik Wangi Susu) has a grain yield per hill was higher than superior
cultivars (IR 64).