Summary: | Background: Irrational drug use is a major problem in the world. In Indonesia,
irrational frequent drug use is polypharmacy, use of non-essential drugs, improper
use of antimicrobials, excessive use of injections, prescription not in accordance
with clinical guidelines, patient adherence and self-medication is not appropriate
Hospital of Pertamina Balikpapan an Polyclinic is one of the institution private
health care in Balikpapan. Based on observation, use of generics drugs in Hospital
of Pertamina Balikpapan and Polyclinic is very high. Almost every prescription,
prescription drug of non generic drugs. The non generic prescription drugs will
certainly impact on the cost to be incurred for public patients. Moreover, the time
it takes patents to get the medicine is very wasting time. Patient may spend
approximately one hour until the patient get the medicine, even though he had
received the drug is not concoction and there are not many kind. From the
observation, the researchers fell need to do research in Polyclinic Panorama
Balikpapan use indicators drug use from WHO 1993
Method: This is a research descriptive, with case study design. Used
quantitatively and qualitatively data. The collection of quantitative data was by
document observation retrieved by retrospectively. The qualitative data gathering
was done by in depth interview.
Result:The average number of drug item in one patient�s receipt at Panorama
Polyclinic of Pertamina Balikpapan was 3,6 items, the percentage of generic drug
prescription was 56,5%, the percentage of antibiotic drug prescription was 8,1%,
and the injection usage was 5,13%. Moreover, the drug prescription in accordance
with formula was 0%, the time average required to consult to doctor was 7
minutes and 8 seconds. The rate of dispensing period was 5,2 minutes, the
percentage of actual drug given to patient was 98,5%, the percentage of correctly
labeled drug was 100%, the percentage of patient comprehending the correct drug
usage was 97,1%, and the availability of formulary not available, which is
available only List of Pertamina Drug Standard. Then,the percentage of essential
drug availability was 19,3%, and the rate of drug cost every receipt in Panorama
Polyclinic of Pertamina Balikpapan was Rp.126.413.
Conclusion:The drug use in Panorama Polyclinic of Balikpapan generally has
rational, but has not been rational mainly on generic drug prescription, availability
of essential drug and formulary according to Indicator of WHO Drug Use 1993.