Summary: | Drought is the annual natural disaster in most of Indonesia area. This kind
of disaster tend to give high impact and harm agricultural sector. Aims of this
research : (1) identify risk of drought faced by farmers in Nusa Penida island. (2) analyze current adaptation pattern done by farmers in Nusa Penida island in facing drought. (3) analyze correlation of farmers characteristic in Nusa Penida island with current adaptation pattern.
This research is conducted in Nusa Penida island, which is located in Nusa
Penida sub-district, Klungkung district, Province of Bali. Research used
combination of quantitative and qualitative approcahes, by collecting data using
quesionaire and analyzing with descriptive statistic, then intepreting the result in narative language.
Research found that, highest risk faced by respondents are infertile land,
crop and harvest failure, and food insecurity, with various percentage. Direct
autonomous adaptation which is most happened is fertilizer intensification, while indirect autonomous adaptation is finding a work outside agricultural sector. None of planned adaptation found. Farmers characteristic which influence adaptation activities found in income and planting duration. Income influences into adaptation to respondents who have a work outside agricultural sector so that they have more capital to do fertilizer intensification.
Lack of adaptation activities done by farmers to cope drought and in addition with unavoidable drought hazard causing a need to develop farmers capacity, so that their vulnerability can be reduced. Generally, drought risk in Nusa Penida island can be minimized.