Summary: | This study examines Indonesian interrogative sentence problems by focusing
on issues of forms and functions. The purpose of this study is to formulate the system
relating to the manner of formation and the use of interrogative sentences in
Indonesian language. The data used in this analysis are interrogative sentences in
Indonesian language that are currently used in interethnic communication. This study
used a pragmatic approach.
From the research, it can be formulated that interrogative sentences forming
elements are either supra-segmental elements and segmental elements. Suprasegmental
elements are intonation, and segmental elements are words, phrases, and
particles. The elements were added to a clause to be the base of an interrogative
sentence. Interrogative sentences are basically used to ask something. In addition, the
interrogative sentences were also used to express a variety of actions such as, acts of
representative, directive, commissive, and expressive.
In connection with them function to ask something, based on the response
form provided by what the opponents said, interrogative sentences are grouped on the
information and yes-no interrogative sentences. Yes-no interrogative sentences
require an answer that contains a justification or denial of what is stated on the clause
that is the basis for the formation of interrogative sentences. Yes-no interrogative
sentences are formed by giving a certain tone or intonation plus a word or phrases,
and or particles on the clause. Information interrogative sentences require an answer
in the form of explanation. Information interrogative sentences are usually formed by
adding certain words and intonation question on clause. A question word replaces one
of the alloying elements of the basic clause or replaces elements that want to be
known. In Indonesian language there are some basic question words including apa,
siapa, kapan, dimana, berapa, and bagaimana.
In communications, interrogative sentences are uttered not only to ask
something, but they are also used to express a variety of things. In the functionalism
view that uses a pragmatic approach, it is believed that when someone utters
interrogative sentences, he simultaneously performs actions. Speech act that can be
expressed by the interrogative sentences of Indonesian language are representative,
directive, commissive, and expressive. Interrogative sentences are sometimes used in
order to speak indirectly (indirect speech) to maintain politeness (reducing violence)
or otherwise stated expressive, rudely and some even impolitely.