Summary: | Mass media, in this movie, is one of the communication link can be used as a tool to convey an idea or issue to the public. This study analyzes the image of Indonesian Moslem women are depicted in three religious film such as Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (PBS), Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) and Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB). This study is a qualitative study using the analysis of
representations of Stuart Hall.
The results of this study illustrates that the Indonesian Moslem women have changed over time.
Acceptance of the community about the religious identity of moslem women, one of which is the Hijab or veil as well, no longer seen as a radical action. Moslem women struggle to get their rights and obligations are also becoming more moderate.
In the conclusion, the study found that along with the development of media and culture in Indonesian society, the image of Moslem women also undergo significant changes. The third movie of religion which is the object of study, it can be seen that over time, there is a dynamic progress in the position of Moslem women in various aspects of life, such as: the position in the
family, education, work and marriage.