Summary: | Nowadays, there are so many schools of music in Yogyakarta. Each of the music schools has its own promotional strategy to attract its customers� attention. However, those music schools have not know yet which strategy is the most effective in the way of attracting customers� attention. The first aim of this graduating paper is to find out the promotional strategies of Jogja Music School. The next aim is to find out the effectiveness of the promotional strategies based on the opinion of their students.
Methods of collecting data are direct observation and library research. In the field study, the writer interviews the owner of Jogja Music School in order to gather information about Jogja Music School�s profile in a brief. Besides, the writer also asks the students of Jogja Music School to fill the questionnaires in order to find out their opinion about promotional strategies of Jogja Music School and its effectiveness. For the library research, the writer reads some brochures of Jogja Music School, books, and articles from internet, which are related to the topic.
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the promotional strategies in Jogja Music School are good and effective. The students also admitted that they are attracted by the promotional strategies which are being done by Jogja Music School.