Summary: | Background : IPE was the process by which a group of students from the health-related
occupations with different backgrounds learn together to interact each other and share the
knowledge that they have. This was important for improving collaboration in health care
provider and improve patient well-being. In practice, this process may affected with many
kind of factors. One of that factors is Adversity Quotient (AQ). AQ is the ability that
people have to turn the obstacle that they have into the opportunity.
Objective : This study aimed to determine the correlation between Adversity Quotient
(AQ) and readiness of Interprofessional Education (IPE) in clinical student of Faculy of
Medicine Gadjah Mada University (FM GMU).
Methods : This was descriptive analytic correlational study with quantitative approach
and applied cross sectional design. The subjects were 76 medical student and nursing
student in clinical stage. The subjects were choosen by quota sampling method.
Quantitative data were obtained through ARP (Adversity Response Profile) questionnaire
for AQ level and RIPLS (Readiness Interprofessional of Learning Scale) questionnaire
for readiness level.
Result : The result of the study showed that the majority of FM GMU clinical student (46
or 60,5%) had high level of AQ (climbers transition). The readiness of IPE mostly
belonged in high level (64 or 84,21%). There was no correlation between AQ level and
readiness of IPE with p value 0,208 (p>0,05).
Conclution : Both of FM GMU clinical student AQ and readiness level, majority were on
high level. There showed no difference AQ and readiness level between FM GMU
medical and nursing clinical student. There was no correlation between AQ level and
readiness of IPE in FM GMU clinical student.