Summary: | Ascaridia galli is an endoparasite of intestinal that important enough to
poultry. Genetic analysis in needed to know the diversity. Composition and length
of ITS1 is vary so it can be used for study about diversity. The main purpose of
this research is to know the sequen of ribosomal DNA regio ITS1 so that and the
genetic relationship between some species of Ascaridia galli can be analyzed. The
DNA sample was isolated from male Ascaridia galli that has identificated. The
extraction of DNA was done with a kit Geneaid®. Amplification of ITS1 gene by
PCR technique used primer AG_1F and AG_1R under condition of
predenaturation 94oC for 5 minutes, denaturation 94oC for 30 seconds, annealing
55oC for 45 seconds, elongation 72oC for 45 seconds, dan post-elongation 72oC
for 5 minutes at 30 cycles. The PCR reaction produced 655 bp DNA segment
which has followed by sequencing. Then result of ITS1 segment sequences would
be treated in multiple allignment with other worms from Ordo Ascaridida that
were taken from the Genbank and then analyzed using MEGA version 5.01.
Result of this research showed that there were 6 nt different beetwen sample of
Ascaridia galli and Ascaridia galli isolate China (AM408550.1) with the genetic
distance is 0,018 (1,8%). It showed that the sample of Ascaridia galli has a close
genetic relationship with Ascaridia galli isolate China. Construction of
phylogenetic trees used Neighbor-Joining method with bootstrap values 1000
times showed that the classification made by the morfological sign was the same
with the classification made by ribosomal DNA regio ITS1 sequence.