Summary: | Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland, can be occurred
clinically or subclinically. One of the causes of mastitis is S. epidermidis. It is
often, improper treatment with antibiotics can lead to bacteria resistance. This
study was aimed to isolate and identify S.s epidermidis and to determine the
sensitivity toward Penicillin G and Cefixime antibiotics.
This study used 16 samples of milk and then tested with mastitis test with
Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) reagent. Samples were inoculated in Brain Heart
Infussion (BHI) and streaked on Blood Agar Plate (BAP) and Mac Conkey Agar
(MCA) and then incubated for 24 hours at 37
C. The colonies grew on the plate
were identified based on the morphology and then streaked on the sugar medium
and Nutrient Agar (NA). It was followed by Gram�s staining, catalase test,
coagulase test, and DNase test to confirm the species of the bacteria. Sensitivity
test was done by taking the colony of identified bacteria in the NA medium and
then thawed with NaCl then streaked on the Muller Hinton Agar (MHA) and
placed paper discs on it. Inhibition zones formed were can be measured after
incubation for 24 hours at 37 o C.
The result of the isolation showed that one of 15 samples (6,66%) was
positive infected S. epidermidis. The result of the sensitivity test toward S.
epidermidis showed that the bacteria 100% sensitive toward penicillin G and
100% resistant toward cefixime.