Summary: | This research is about the shift of sense in translation, particularly the shift that
happen on comic translation. The aim of this research is to describe, analyze, and
know the form of the shift, a cause of shift and effect which caused by the shift of
sense on comic translation L�Agent 212 in French to Indonesia.
In research used the translation theory by Catford. He states that translation is
conveying message from source language to target language. The category in the shift
of sense be defined based on Simatupang�s theory. Then, analysis was done to know
the cause of shift of sense using the semantic translation strategy and to know effect
which caused by the shift used the classification humor reduction by Wijana.
The result of research show that there are three forms of the shift of sense in
comic translation L�Agent 212, that are the shift of precise sense to generic sense,
generic sense to precise, and the shift which caused by cultural differences. The
causes of a shift are because of shrinkage, expansion, deletion, addition, modulation,
and cultural differences. The effect which caused by the shift of sense are light humor
reduction and enhancement humor.