Summary: | Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS) is a disease that attacks the layer hen in
production phase and causes the failing of peak production, the decreasing
production, and the presence of an egg without a shell. This study was aimed to
isolate and identify the EDS virus in chicken layer that was diagnosed as a disease
of EDS by hemagglutination (HA) and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay.
The sample used was chicken�s uterus and residual water of egg washing
from FF/Sl eman/2011, along with uterus from specific pathogen free (SPF) layer
chicken that was infected by SR/WNO/2011. Specific pathogen free layer chicken
which was from Bandung and was passing through the production phase was fed
with food which was mixed with egg without shell from SR/WNO/2011. The
chicken together with with chicken FF/Sleman/2011 were dissected when
symptoms of infection shown and the uterus taken to make it as the sample.
Symptoms of infection was shown by the presence of dents or pale eggs.
Infundibulum of chicken FF/Sleman/2011 was explored and was found out the
egg without eggshell. Then the egg was washed using sterile PBS and became the
sample. The three subsequent samples was propagated in allantois fluid of
embryonated duck eggs that was 16 days. Allantoic fluid was harvested after
incubation for 4 days, then it was tested by with HA and HI assay. HA and HI test
with EDS anti serum used chicken�s eritrosit in percentage 0,8. HA test positive
result was indicated by erythrocyte cell aggregates formed by the vir al
hemagglutinin protein binding to erythrocyte surface receptors. This assay was
different with HI assay that uses anti serum Avian Influenza (AI), Newcastle
disease (ND), and EDS to test suitability of the virus with that anti serum. The
specific anti serum would bind with that virus and block the hemagglutination
HA test in uterus sample of both SR/WNO/2011 and FF/Sleman/2011
showed titer 23 HA units and egg wash water sample of FF/Sleman/2011 showed
titer 22 HA units. HI test for comparison with anti serum ND and AI were
negative, while tests with anti serum EDS showed positive results. Based on HA
and HI test results, we can conclude that the virus which grew in allantoic fluid
was EDS virus.