Summary: | The aim of this study was to identify the influence of the Intertrim and
Toxoplasmanuur histologically toward the spleen and the lungs of the mice with
Toxoplasmosis. This study was conducted in Laboratory of Parasitologi and
Laboratory of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta. Twenty two mice were used in this study. They were
randomly divided into 4 groups. Group I which consisted of 4 mice, played as a
control group. This group received no Toxoplasma gondii infections. Group II that
played as another control group, was infected with 103 takizoit/mice
intraperitoneally. Group III that consisted of 7 mices, was infected with 103
takizoit/mice intraperitoneally and was given Toxoplasmanuur 8mg/mice/day
orally. Group IV that consisted of 7 mice, was infected with 103 takizoit/mice
intraperitoneally and was given Intertrim® 0,001ml/kg of body weight/day orally.
The result of this study showen that the first group could survived until the end of
this study, the second group died between the 5th-7th day of this study, the third
group died between the 4th-7th day of this study, and the fourth group could
survived until the end of this study. The died mice were necropted, spleen and
lungs were collected, put inside the tubes with formalin 10%, and made into
histological preparat. The data was analyzed descriptively. Based on the result of
this study, we can conclude that infection caused by 103 takizoit/mice was leading
to necrosis, haemorraghe, oedema, and pneumonia. Toxoplasmanuur that given
couldn�t treat the infection whereas the Intertrim® that given could effectively
treat the infection and prolonged the life of mice with toxoplasmosis.