Summary: | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ginger powder to
the antibody responses based on hemmaglutination inhibition (HI) titer against
Nescastle Disease (ND) virus. Eighty eight broilers in this study were divided into
4 groups with 22 broilers each group. Group A was vaccinated and given ginger
powder in the feed. Group B is not vaccinated but given ginger powder in the
feed. Group C was vaccinated and was not given ginger powder in the feed.
Group D was not vaccinated and was not given ginger powder in the feed.
Addition of ginger powder in feed in Group A and B done since age 19-35 days.
Serum taken on day 35 and tested with HI.
Hemmaglutination inhibitin test resut were analized using geometric mean
titer (GMT). The result of GMT test showed 13.9 for group A, 2.0 for group C
and 0.0 for group B and D. ANOVA analized with 5% significance generated data
that Ho rejected, which mean there were significant difference in ND antibodies
titer on day 35 between group A, B, C and D. ANOVA result continued with
Turkey analysis. The result showed that group A was significantly different to
group B, C and D. Group B had a significant different with group A and C, but
was not significantly different from group D. Group C had significant different
with group A, B, and D. Group D had significant different with group A and C,
but was not significantly different from group D.
Conclusion of the study showed that ginger powder 1% in broiler chicken
feed increased antibody titers in the chicken that vaccinated by ND vaccine with a
significant differen between four groups.