Summary: | Fasciolosis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by Fasciola sp. The
infected cattle will damage in the liver and weight loss and disturb the hormone
metabolism in the body. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect
of infection Fasciola sp. on reproductive performance of the cattle such as estrous
cycle periods, length of estrous, service per conception, post-parturition estrous
and calving interval.
This research were used 30 samples of cow. Samples were taken from
Sleman and Bantul district each 18 and 12 feces samples. Feses samples examined
by the method of Parfitt and Bank to see the eggs of Fasciola sp. respectively.
Reproductive performance were data obtained by the questionnaires method and
interviews with breeders.
The results of feses examination from 30 samples showed 18 negative and
12 showed the cattle positive fasciolosis. The cattle positive fasciolosis from
Sleman and Bantul were 9 and 3 feses samples specimen. Data were analyzed by
T-test using SPSS Statistics 20 software. The results showed that estrous cycle
periods, length of estrous, service per conception and calving interval on the cattle
negative and positive fasciolosis are not significantly different, whereas the postparturition
estrous were significantly different (P<0.05). The results showed that
fasciolosis was not affect on several reproductive performance of the cattle.