Summary: | Toxoplasmosis is parasit�s disease that caused by Toxoplasma gondii and
zoonotic. The purpose of this research is to obtain the Toksoplasmanuur and
Intertrim® LA effect in relation to liver and lungs histopthalogy that infected by T.
gondii. Twenty four mice used and devided into four groups. First group (K.I) was
the control uninfected group, there were six mice used, second group (K.II) as the
control group infected by T. gondii, there were four mice used, and third group
(K.III) were infected by T. gondii and threat by Toksoplamanuur 8 mg/ day/mice
orally, and fourth group (K.IV) were infected by T. gondii and threat by Intertrim®
LA 0,02 ml/day/ mice orally. The mice were infected by T. gondii�s tachyzoit
1x103 intraperitoneally at the first day. Histopthalogy examination were taken
from mice�s organs which has the longest life. Liver and lungs were taken to 10%
formalin for histopathology analysis. Obtained data were analyzed descriptively
and the result show that Toksoplasmanuur cant�t reduce the liver and lungs
destruction caused by T. gondii. The result showed that Intertrim® LA can reduce
the liver and lungs destruction caused by T.gondii and increase the living ability
of the mice. The conclusion of this research showed that Toksoplasmanuur are not
effective and Intertrim® LA are effective to cure the toxoplasmosis.