Summary: | Sheep are animals that produce meat and milk. Neverthelessin sheep farming
arise many obstacles, one of them is the presence of tuberculosis. This disease causes
high economic loss for farmers. Tuberculosis, which is a zoonotic disease, caused by
one of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complexthat known as Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. This research aims to observe the blood profile as well as changes in
macroscopic and microscopic pathology of sheep that infected byMycobacterium
Sheep are taken at screening from the animal market, a total of 2infected
tuberculosis sheep, based on tracheal swab sampling,show the results of Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) positive Mycobacterium tuberculosis, therefore they are used
as research animals. Furthermore sheep�s blood are taken regularly for 10 weeks to
observe the blood profile changes and performed a necropsy at week 11 to
observeboth of the pathological changes of macroscopic and microscopic.
The results show that the sheep which infected with Mycobacterium
tuberculosis indicated a decrease of erythrocytes, Hb, PCV, creatinine andincrease of
leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, levels of SGPT, SGOT, BUN.
Histopathological results show a change in the form of pulmonary organ peribronkial
necrosis, interstitial septa thickening, predominantly macrophages and lymphocytes
in the alveoli