Summary: | Background: service prompt is desire all consumers good giver service and
receiver service. Speed provision file rollin medical clinic to can be also one
indicator in measuring satisfaction. The faster rollin medical to the clinic the more
rapid service which may given to patients. At rspkumuhammadiyahjogjakarta has
issued minimum service standards in providing file rollin medical get to polyclinic
namely maximum 10 minutes. But still finds delay in providing file rollin medical,
so that nurse clinic helped himself to file get chair rollin medical registration.
Purpose: knowing process of providing file rollin medical, knowing average
speed in penyedian file rollin medical an outpatient relating to spm and knowing
factors affecting speed in providing file rollin medevac.
Method: type this research is descriptive by approach qualitative data with in
cross sectional.objek on this research is provision file rollin medical an outpatient
99 document. A method of data by method observation and interview.
Results: the results of this research is the average speed in providing file
outpatient medical record is 14,52 minutes and percentage of delays 76,76%
23,23% timely and factors which affected it is machine (tool), a Man (human),
Method (a way), Environment (environment).