Summary: | The research to study the interconnection of injection wells toward
production wells has been conducted in Talang Jimar Oil Field, PT. Pertamina
Sumatera Region, Prabumulih Field with natural isotopes (2H and 18O) method.
The first purpose of this research is to know the interconnection of injection wells
and production wells around it. The second, whether the groundwater wells mixed
with injection water. Third, how far the influence of isotope fraction of water
injection wells toward production wells.
In this research, watercut of water samples have been taken from the
injection wells, production wells and groundwater to analyze of the content of the
isotope deuterium (�2H) and oxygen-18 (�18O) by using liquid water stable
isotope analyzer LGR. If the results of the content of �2H dan �18O from
production wells are almost equal to the water isotope injection and the value is
different enough from groundwater isotope, it can be concluded that the water
production wells only come from water injection.
Analysis result of �2H and �18O shows the interconnection realationship
betwen the samples of production wells and the injection well around it. Then the
anomaly occurs in SP TLJ-127 production well and SP TLJ-118 production well
which both of the wells relatively have the same isotopes ratio composition. The
last, the analysis result of the isotope fraction of water injection that exist is from
79.81% % to 99.95%. This condition shows that maybe, water intrusion that
occurres in production well is from 0.05% to 20.19%.
Keywords: content of the isotope deuterium and oxygen-18, Interconnection,
isotope fraction, intrusion.