Summary: | Background: In the current era of regional autonomy, local goverments
have wider scope of authority in making their policies according to their
capacities and their needs. To improve access to health care and
equitable health service, the Goverment of Seruyan District made a policy
to build two District Hospitals. This policy was made considering the very
wide area of Seruyan District. In it�s implementation, this policy has been
confronted with many obstacles, among other is limited human resources
and funding, and low utilization of health facilities and services by
Objective: To determine the extent of utilization of the two hospitals and
to determine the factors corresponding to the utilization of the two District
Hospitals in Seruyan Districy.
Metodhs: This study is a descriptive study with a qualitive approach
supported by a quantitive approach. Hospital utilization data are obtained
by examining the available data in both District Hospitals in Seruyan
District and two other hospitals in the neighboring district, and also by
interviewing some people in Seruyan District. Samples are determined
using two stage cluster sampling. To further investigate the issue of
hospital utilization, in-depth interviews with people using the hospitals and
with people not using the hospitals in Seruyan District are conducted. The
data will be quantitatively analyzed anda qualitatively deepened.
Results: There is a correlation between the distances of home and
hospital and taking treatment at the hospital, there is a correlation between
the means of transportation to the hospital and taking treatment at the
hospital, there is a correlation between travel time to the hospital and
taking treatment at the hospital, there is a correlation between the ease of
transportation to the hospital and taking treatment at the hospital, there is
a correlation between cost of transportation to the hospital and taking
treantment at the hospital, there is ano correlation between the expenses
and taking treatment at the hospital, and there is a correlation between
people�s knowledge and taking treatment at the hospital.
Conclusion: In terms of it�s utilization and manpower, the construction of
two hospitals in Seruyan District is ineffective. Factors correlating with
hospital utilization are distance, transportation, travel time, ease of
transportation, transportation cost dan knowledge. There is no correlation
between people�s expenses and hospital utilization.