Summary: | This sciencement is result of The Job Training in UPTD BPBPTDK at March
5-9 2013. The purpose of this paper is to complete the requirement of getting the
title Diploma Science Veterinary. The result of this paper is the students could
apply their studying in campus and cattle breeding to other people and glaziers
around Sleman. Moreover to understand of important of drinking the fresh milk
and increase people�s awareness for growing business of milk cow in this country.
Outright the decrease of import milk consumption.The collecting data of this
paper are observation method, interview, and compile documentation. The
analysis data is giving the meaning into data and make the conlusion from
that.Basically management of the cattle breeding in UPTD BPBPTDK is good,
but the still have some mistakes. These mistakes are the aspect of productivity and
hygienic. For example, in process milking, the milkier do it while smoking. They
also never wash their uniform. They also do quality test infrequently. Over this
entire situation can decrease the quality of milk in their cattle breeding. This paper
suggests to milkier do not smoking when process milking.The quality test of milk
be appplied in The Centre of Animal Husbandry UPTD BPBPTDK frequently. It
can make consumers feel comfort and health when drinking milk of animal
husbandry in UPTD BPBPTDK. The monitoring them into suspect of milk also
must be increased.