Summary: | The availability of beef to meet the needs of animal protein for the community it is important to
be aware of. One of the ways of good breeding is through the system of marriage that is effective
and efficient. It is found with the development of science and technology systems of marriage of
cattle artificially through artificial insemination technology (IB). One of the factors determining
the success of IB depending on the quality and quantity of semen. The purpose of writing this
final task to know and deepen the knowledge about the quality as well as knowing the difference
quality ejakulat ejakulat of each bull Balai in artificial insemination (BIB).
Materials for writing this final project is an activity center for practice of fieldwork in
artificial insemination Lembang and quality limousin bull ejakulat and FH for in 2012. The
sample is observed for the preparation of this final project as many as five tail bull FH and five
tail limousin bull. Tools that used to collect semen is artificial vagina with inner liner, tube,
sperm funnels Artifical Vagina (AV), patron of the sperm tubes, stick glass, plastic protector,
girdle and Vaseline. The methods used by data collection, observation and practice of field work.
The Volume and concentration of the FH and limousin bull at the beginning of 2011
January, February and March. Based on the results of observation quality ejakulat in each bull,
quality limousin bull ejakulat FH and influenced by the provision of additional food and forage,
livestock health care, nursing home and sanitation, treatment of vaginal artificial exercise,
preparation, and storage of cement.