Summary: | This research entitled �Analysis of Form and Meaning Shift in Subtitling
Translation of the Film Wedding Drees� contains about form and meaning shift
that happens in subtitling translation and the cause of its existence. The shift of
subtitling translation is chosen, because translation principles in its translation
process cannot be kept well caused by synchronic rule between translation text
and its time appearing on the screen. Therefore subtitling translation has
different difficulty than the translation of other text. The theory of shift revealed
by Catford and Simatupang is used to analyze the problem of this research.
The shifts found in this research are form shift such as level and category
consisting of structure, unit, part of speech, and intra-system. Meaning shift is
specific to generic meaning or vice versa and meaning shift caused by different
viewpoint of culture. The intra-linguistic factor consists of the strategy of
translation and uncertainty of lexical, while extra-linguistic factor consists of
different culture, semantic misinterpretation, and translator�s idiosincrasy.
Based on the research finding, form shift related to linguistic problem is
caused by intra-linguistic factor and meaning shift related to intra and extra
linguistic is caused by intra-lingusitic and extra-linguistic factor.