Summary: | A prototype of automatic control room�s temperature and humidity
consentration system based on LabVIEW using Arduino UNO board as data
aquisition has made. This prototype is designed to facilitate the users in controlling
the room�s temperature and humidity consentration. The system consists of
temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, an fan controller, a relay circuit, an
arduino board and a software system.
The system is designed using the sensor of temperature and humidity
DHT11, Arduino UNO board, serial of communication devices using USB cable and
software program. The software program uses LabVIEW and arduino IDE. The
controlling and the results will be processed and displayed on LabVIEW interface.
The system can be implemented using arduino UNO board dan LabVIEW.
Sensor DHT11 which is positioned in one side of the room is used to detect the
changes occurs on the temperature and humidity consentration. The sensor�s data
will be processed by Arduino (A0). Humidity set point is sets between 65%RH untill
69%RH. When the temperature is sets 28°C, and the actual condition is 29°C and
77%RH, the fan will be actived. The fan will be actived when the actual temperature
is greater than set point. In other side, when the actual temperature is less than set
point and the humidity is greater than set point, hairdryer will be actived. The
humidifier will be actived when the actual humidity is less than 65%RH.