Summary: | The researcher
This paper aims to analyze the illocutionary acts of cosmetics advertisement. It
discusses elements of cosmetics advertisement, the type of illocutionary act and
its contextual meaning in each utterance. uses descriptive method
to examine and explain the data in detail. Cosmetics advertisements consist of
headline, subhead, body copy, slogan and box panel. The sentence in the
advertisements fall into 4 types of illocutionary act (direct-literal illocutionary,
direct-non literal illocutionary, non direct literal illocutionary, non direct-non
literal illocutionary). The factors that influence each illocutionary are reader�s
background knowledge or thought, social statues and the theme of advertisement.
The conclusion is cosmetics advertisements use 1) indirect literal illocutionary act
to give information about the product and persuade the readers to buy because it is
more polite than the other types of illocutionary acts, 2) direct literal illocutionary
act because it promotes the products to the reader straight forwardly.