Summary: | Have created a prototype of river tracking system using a UAV .The river tracking
system created by using computer vision. The method used this system are moment method,
thresholding, dilation. Prior to image processing, the steps being taken are making a river�s
video. On image processing, river�s video to be processed captured image preprocessing is
then performed, followed by thresholding and dilation to detect the color of the river, followed
by a moment method for tracking the river, and the latter displays the results of tracking the
river. Programming is used in this system are OpenCV 2.3.1 and using Visual Studio 2010.
The programming language used is C++ language.
Testing is done by using river�s video and taken directly from Youtube. River used has
its HSV color values are in range 50,3,15 - 180,32,169) and the environment around the river
in the form of vegetation. From the test results river tracking, moment method is used to give
the best results when both rivers the color segmentation result, and contrary to the results of a
bad condition. Camera direction for river�s video taking effect on the results of river tracking.
The things that affect the success of this method include the river environment, river�s color,
environmental lighting, and camera direction. The result of this river tracking system is
position coordinates.