Summary: | In Indonesia, tourism is projected as the largest foreign exchange earner
while improving the welfare of the people. Social reality shows that tourism is a
complex phenomenon, not just an activity which its main object is the service
industries involving product management and market, but also a process of dialogue
between the tourists and the local community as a guest host. Tourism development
should be based on a passion for applying the principles of good governance, both
among government, private and public. Management of tourism requires
professionalism that includes not only the skills and knowledge, but also a consistent
attitude toward the commitment to sustainable development. One of the institutions
engaged to conduct technical guidance, training, and socialization of the program is
the Center for Tourism Studies, Gadjah Mada University.
On this basis, the authors wanted to find out the role of the Center for
Tourism Studies UGM in an effort to improve the professionalism of tourism in
Yogyakarta. Another purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of
professionalism in tourism and business Center for Tourism Studies UGM in
enhancing professionalism in tourism. In addition, the authors used qualitative
methods of data obtained based on the results of observations, interviews,
participatory, and review of the literature to corroborate the results of research in
Professionalism in tourism is a view or a mental attitude in the form of the
commitment of the members of a profession to continue to reach and enhance the
quality of profesionalism in the field of tourism. In performing its duties to enhance
professionalism in tourism in DI. Yogyakarta, PUSPAR UGM is supported by much
support from outside agencies both government and private. Moreover, in carrying
out their duties, there are several barriers experienced PUSPAR UGM both internal
and external of PUSPAR UGM, including the adjustment of time, less competent
sources, and miss communication between agencies.