Summary: | good service is a key to obtaining customers� loyalty. When the service
given by a company, in this case a tourism village, is not optimal and not as
expected by its customers, the company will be difficult to develop and will be
defeated by other companies which can offer better services. So, the most
important aspect that must be highly maintained by a company manager is the
service given to consumers. Service providing optimality can be measured by
looking at the impression taken by customers at the time they were done using the
services provided by the company.
By looking at those facts, author wanted to know the standardization level
of services provided by the services corporate manager. Author examines the
Hospitality Standardization Implementation in Pentingsari Tourism Village by
researching service optimality given to guests at the village. Another goal the
author examined in this research is supporting and restricting factors of hospitality
standardization implementation in Desa Wisata Pentingsari, so with this study it is
expected the service in Pentingsari tourism village can be improved to get the
guests loyalty. In this research the author uses qualitative analysis, by describing
the solution of the problems based on the data author obtained through
observation, participatory, and documentation so that author can formulize the
problems to conclude this research.
The results of this final project writing, the author could find out about
hospitality standardization implemented in Desa Wisata Pentingsari to give
maximum satisfaction to the guests and the supporting and restricting factors in
providing service to guests. Those are, the Javanese hospitality used as the basic
foundation in providing service to guests is a supporting factor in the hospitality
standardization implementation. As the restricting factor, is the inexistence of
complaints service and also the lack of knowledge about Pentingsari tourism
village itself by the tourist guides. Still, these restricting factors can be resolved
with the Javanese hospitality as the basic foundation.