Summary: | This paper entitled �Gender Inequalities in 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita Film
Script: Liberal Feminist Literary Criticism Studies� was studied by using the feminist
literary criticism in a perspective of liberal feminism. There were two reasons to
choose feminist approach for analyzing this 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita film script. Both
of these reasons is first, the film script show the woman character who experienced
unjust treatment in a matter of gender. Second, the film script contains feminist ideas
used by women to fight against gender discrimination. Theory of feminist literary
criticism in a perspective of liberal feminist was considered appropriate to resolve the
problems appeared on this study.
The results of this study showed that there are two forms of manifestation of
gender inequality in 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita film script. Both of forms of these
manifestation of gender inequality is stereotypes on women and violence on women.
Stereotypes attached to the women characters in this film script is women as wives
and housewives and women as sexual objects. Violence contained on the 7 Hati 7
Cinta 7 Wanitafilm script includes domestic violence in the form of physical abuse,
emotional abuse, and economic violence and public violence in the form of sexual
and nonsexual violence.
Based onthe analysis that had been done, there is feminist ideas are found in
the 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita film script, that is women are strong and independent
women and women�s resistance to polygamy. Female characters who have a key role
in bringing feminist ideas are dr. Kartini and Ratna. Main points contained in feminist
ideas is equality occurring between women and men. It is appropriate with the idea of
liberal feminism that upheld the autonomy values, equality, and moral values, and the
freedom of individuals, both women and men to realize opportunities and equal rights
for women and men.