Summary: | Ettawa breed goat (PE) as the one of major food commodity, therefore the
farm animals often transported on the short or long distance. Process of
transportation that less precise make stress for animals. Bad process transportation
make serious effect such as wound, suffocation, dehydration, fatigue, leg fracture
and stress that can decrease quality of meat and productivity.
Cortisol often used as indicator of animal welfare, this hormone will
increase when stress occurs. Stress of transportation also can increase activity of
hypothalamus- hypofisis- thyroid axis, together with peripheral tissue. It cause the
secretion change of T3 and T4 from thyroid gland.
This study used five PE goats were transported from the sale of goats to
the cage with a distance of 35 miles at 10.00- 11.00 a.m. Blood sampling
performed three times either before transportation, after transportation and seven
days caged. To determine the level of stress so cortisol, T3 and T4 hormones
tested by ELISA and statistically analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey to determine
the significance between the levels of stress hormone levels.
Result of research showed that cortisol hormone and T3 were significant
(p<0,5) and T4 un significant (p>0,5). Decreased cortisol level of 147.391 ng/ mL
to 27.684 ng/ mL accompanied by increased level of T3 from 1.04142 μg/dL to
1.79052 μg/dL, with increasing level of T3 and then T4 decreased from 22.0674
μg/dL to 19.6551 μg/dL. The results showed that cortisol levels decreased
significantly after one hour of transport processes while T3 and T4 levels were not
decreased significantly so that it can be concluded that the transport for an hour
didn�t increase the transport of cortisol, T3 and T4 significantly.