Summary: | The care of inpatients are important and must be considered because it is
the process of handling care that patients receive intensive treatment and the
maximum, so that the patient recovered. The purpose of this graduate paper is to
determine how the management of inpatients cares in the Prof. Soeparwi Animal
Hospital Yogyakarta and Kawatan Animal Clinic.
The material objects of this paper are activities, tools and object to the
scope of the implementation of inpatient care in the Prof. Soeparwi Animal
Hospital and Kawatan Animal Clinic. The methods of data collection are
observation, interviews, and direct practice while job training on 8 to 13 April 8th
- 13th 2013 in the Prof. Soeparwi Animal Hospital and May 16th-17th 2013 in the
Kawatan Animal Clinic.
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the cares of
inpatients in the Prof. Soeparwi Animal Hospital and Kawatan Animal Clinic and
are in accordance with the operational standards. However, there are still
shortcomings in sanitation is only done once. Cage and room sanitation should be
done twice to reduce the accumulation of dirt and to avoid patient discomfort. For
Kawatan Animal clinic in infectious wards should be equipped with a dipping leg
and hand disinfection to prevent transmission from one dog to another dog.