Summary: | The study aims to determine the effect of changes in amount of feed intakeonBUN levels in Kacang Goat. The materials used were six male kacang goats aged average of one point five years. Goats kept on slatsystem measuring 1,5m x 1 m with dining and drinking in citizen farmof Ngelo, Potorono, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The study was divided in two periods, period I (fullfeeding) that giving ad libitum feeding during 51 days and period II (restriction) that reducing volume of feed until 50% on maintenance during 43 days. Intakes of feed consumed is recorded every day during research. Blood sampling taken every at each period before the animals were fed in the morning. Investigation of BUN use �rate blanking� method with the instrument Cobas c 501/502. The difference of BUN levels analysed by t-Test statistic method.
The results showed that in the first period consumption of dry matter in control (group A) and restriction (group B) were 0,78±0,14 kg/day and0,79±0,02 kg/day, thenin period II0,78±0,17 kg/day and 0,42±0,20 kg/day.Average goat BUN levels in the first period of group A and group B were 0,78±0,14 mg/dL and0,79±0,02 mg/dL. BUN level of group B showed not real difference 17,00 ±2,65mg/dL after given food intake 50% of maintenance during 41 days (p>0.05). That level of group A given ad libitum feed intake in the same period, mg/dL (p>0.05). Based on the research can be concluded that thefeed intakeunsignificantly affect BUN levels goat.