Summary: | The drying process of kerupuk was performed by Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) �Happy� in Bayanan, Gesikan, Gantiwarno Klaten district in
Central Java was using hybrid dryer rack type. The drier a beam size of 220 cm �
448 cm � 305 cm form bricks and cement. This room has been modified by
adding ventilator and heat exchanger to circulate the dry air from the furnace. This
research was intended to evaluate the feasibility of the hybrid drier for drying
kerupuk in terms of economic aspects.
Evaluation will be done is by comparing the cost of drying that uses
direct sunlight and using dryers drying hybrid. Economic analysis will be used to
study the feasibility of the hybrid dryer rack type can use the analysis of the Net
Present Value (NPV), Break even analysis, and analysis of Benefit Cost Ratio
(BCR). The results obtained from this analysis is the NPV = Rp 143.827.175,74,
BCR = 1,61, and BEP = at least 4 times the drying / rainy season.