Summary: | Natural Park is one of the green open space. The spatial of Natural park
requires a harmonious combination between buildings and vegetation
composition. Tree species selection that considering architecture aspect will
increase the landscape function of the natural park. Gunung Gamping is one of
the green open space area which became a natural tourism area in
Ambarketawang, Sleman. This location often be used for ceremonial customs
place and still be maintained of their authenticity, thus making identification of
the trees species and arrangement of the trees species have not been well
performed yet. Based on these conditions, there should be any identification of
architectural models to determine the trees species and evaluate the suitability of
the area to assess the function of the area with the vegetation structure as an effort
to develop and optimize the green space area.
This study was conducted in Wildlife Sanctuary and Natural Park Gunung
Gamping. The Method of the research were tree inventory and trees species
identification based on tree architecture models from sapling until tree and
matching the tree criteria based on the expected function.
The result of this study are from the inventory, there are 32 species of trees
with 18 family and 12 tree architectural models. Those architecture models were:
Aubreville, Mac�lure, Troll, Cook, Scarrone, Kwan koriba, Corner, Roux, Petit,
Rauh, Prevost and Attim. The evaluation of trees species based on architectural
models and its function in each zone was still less appropriate. The addition and
reduction of tree species to improve the site function is needed.