Summary: | Staphylococcus aureus dan Staphylococcus intermedius in dairy cows can
cause sub-clinical and clinical mastitis that impacted economical loss for farmers
due to decrease in quality and quantity productivity of milk. This research were
done to isolate, identify and characterize of Staphylococcus aureus and
Staphylococcus intermedius isolate from sub-clinical and clinical mastitis milk
dairy cows.
Twenty five milk samples were originated from mastitis udders in BPPTU
Baturraden based on the mastitis test by using IPB reagent. The isolation and
identification were done by planting the specimen in mannitol salt agar (MSA),
finally catalase test, Gram staining, coagulase test, clumping factor test and voges
proskauer (VP) test to distinguish S. aureus and S. intermedius. Characterization
were performed by pattern of hemolysis, agglutination reaction of chicken
erythrocytes, character of hydrophobicity surface cells bacteria and pigments.
From 25 samples there were 1 sample derived from dairy clinical mastitis
cow and 24 samples from sub-clinical mastitis cows and were identified 17
isolates is Staphylococcus aureus dan 8 isolates Staphylococcus intermedius.
Based on pattern of hemolysis there were S. aureus (76%) showed β-hemolysis
and S. intermedius showed β-hemolysis (37,5%) and γ-hemolysis (37,5%). All
S. aureus and S. intermedius could agglutinate erythrocytes and had hydrophilic
surfaces. Most of S. aureus produced yellow pigments (88%) and S. intermedius
white pigments (63%). Based on soft agar (SA) and serum soft agar (SSA) test, all
of S. aureus and S. intermedius expressed the protein A surface.