Summary: | Apprentice in horse breeding tombo ati stable aims to find and learn about
how to raise horses in tombo ati stable, types of horses in tombo ati stable is kind
of racehorses. In the Tombo Ati learn about feed, include what type of feed given,
formula feeds formula and nutrients contained in the feed. Feeds Material given to
teen horse like hadramaut, fajarindah, the ice man, biasa saja, abu dhabi at tombo
Ati Stable Tengaran, Salatiga, Central Java is Horse Feed balito 2 for age 1 -2
years old horse. The Methode which used to obtain data are by interview with the
guard stables and practil work at Tombo Ati Stable.
Based on observations, we get conclusion that feeding the horses at
Tombo Ati Stable need to be analyze because, grass and pellets given to the
horses less than required.