Summary: | Anthrax is a bacterial disease, caused by Bacillus anthracis, attacking
ruminants and pigs, characterized by sudden death. Bacterium Bacillus anthracis,
which is a type of rod-shaped bacilli with right-angled ends are gram positive. By
In Vitro, bacilli forming a chain but, by In Vivo, single or paired-shaped bacilli.
Animals suffering from anthrax, prohibited dissected carcass to avoid the chances
of an organism to form spores. The disease is spread all over the world, especially
in tropical countries.
Job Training Activities (PKL) at Central Veterinary (BBVet) Wates,
Yogyakarta, held for 5 days start on June 8 to April 12, 2013. Retrieval and data
collection conducted at the Central Veterinary (BBVet) Wates,Yogyakarta about
the anthrax cases in 2010-2012 by copying from books at Central Veterinary
(BBVet) Wates, Yogyakarta by title: Animal Disease Maps from Java and Madura
2010 and print data directly from bank Epidemiology Laboratory Data BBVet
Yogyakarta Wates 2010-2012.
Anthrax cases during the years 2010-2012 the most common in 2011, 26
positive cases with a percentage of 4.28%. In 2010, 5 positive cases of 248 events
with a percentage of 0.91%, and in 2012 only 3 positive cases out of 579 events
with a percentage of 0.52%.
All positive cases occurred in Central Java, in 2010, Sragen rank with most
cases as many as three cases, Karanganyar two cases, and Boyolali zero cases. On
In 2011, Sragen most many cases with 17 cases, Karanganyar zero cases, and
Boyolali nine cases. In 2012 only Boyolali three cases of whereas regencies
Sragen and Karanganyar zero cases.