Summary: | Background : School-age is critical period that their energy needs should be fulfilled. Balanced
food consumption, both in serving and nutrient content is needed. Today, many schools has
implemented full day system, so the children spend more time at school. Surely the school
should serve lunch for the students and all citizens in order to do teaching and learning process
Objective: Knowing the relationship of percentage fulfillment of energy, protein, fat,
carbohydrates to nutrients status dan physical activity level of students.
Methods: This type of research is an observational cross-sectional research design. About 69
students in Budi Mulia Dua Elementary School at grade IV and V who fulfill the inclusion criteria.
Anthropometric measurements (Height and Weight), measurement of food intake with form
recall 24 hours replication 3 times and measurement of physical activity using the Physical
Activity Questionnaire (Elementary School) . Data analyzed with the Spearman Correlation test
Results: 42% subject classified with good nutritional status and 50% subject classified to
moderate physical activity. School meals containing 788 kcal energy, 21 g protein, 30 g fat, and
107 g of carbohydrates. statistical analysis result (with Spearman correlation) between
nutritional status and the percentage of fulfillment energy value pvalue (p=0.005), protein
(p=0.021), fat (p=0.004), carbohydrates (p=0.339). Statistical analysis with Pearson correlation
between physical activity with percentage fulfillment of energy (p=0.013), protein (p=0.134), fat
(p=0.004), and carbohydrates (p=0.081).
Conclusion: The Fulfillment energy and carbohydrate of school meal (all age) is under 80%
from 2/5 daily need. the percentage of the fulfillment of energy, proteins, and fats impact on
nutrition status. There is no influence of the percentage of carbohydrates fulfillment of the
nutritional status of school meals. Percentage of fulfillment of energy and fat affect the physical
activity score. There is no influence of the percentage of protein and carbohydrates fulfillment of
school meals to students physical activity.