Summary: | This research aimed to understand the reception of audiences to Kuku Bima Energy�s
televion commercial, �Mari Berwisata di Negeri Sendiri�. Those ads persuaded audience to
develop Indonesian tourism by visiting local tourist destinations. However, the ads implicitly
promoted Kuku Bima Energy brand itself as well. The focus of its research is the interpretation
of audiences with different backgrounds toward those ads.
This research is a qualitative research, with reception analysis methods. Reception
analysis method was chosen because of its depth. There were five audiences with various
backgrounds in this research. The data collecting technique is by in depth interview and
literature study.
The result showed that not all the audiences understand completely the message of those
ads. Some of the audiences assumed that those ads purely promote Indonesian tourism. Besides
that, audience�s background affected the interpretation. Their background consists of their age,
gender, geography, education, field of study and social economy status.