Summary: | This research was carried out in Dayu Baru Residence, Desa Sinduharjo,
Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman. The purpose of this research is to design
recharge well as effort groundwater conservation to get increasing of reserve
groundwater by determining the design of recharge well on the roof area of
research areas. The design of recharge well was determined by the depth of
recharge well which is optimal with find out the value of the permeability, depth
of grounded water level, rainfall intensity design and influences of layering rock
toward recharge well construction.
This research was employed survey method, to analysis employ
quantitative analysis. The measurement of permeability was measured using
inverse auger hole method. The depth of groundwater level by measuring the
depth of dug wells. Roof area with digitization on the satellite image. The intensity
rainfall design of return period 2, 5, 10 and 25 years are used in the
determination of the discharge using the rational method. After known the
parameters can be calculated the deepth of recharge well with Sunjoto�s formula.
The rock layering of research areas were obtained by interviewing local residents
and supported by housing ground drill data.
The result of this research is permeability of the study area reached 5,03
m/day with 2,26 m the face depth of groundwater. The intensity rainfall design in
research area of return period 2, 5, 10 and 25 years is 52 mm/hour, 63 mn/hour,
70 mm/hour and 78 mm/hour. The house with roofs class 92 - < 110 m2, 204 - <
279 m2 and 110 - < 148 m2 built a single recharge well because of the depth of
recharge well less than 3 m. For roofs class 279 - < 372 m2, 148 - < 204 m2 and
372 - < 485 m2 recharge well built is parallel recharge well, because the result of
calculation depth of recharge well more than 3m.