Sumario: | Field work practice (PKL) at Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas � Balai
Pengembangan Bibit Pakan Ternak dan Diagnostik Kehewanan on Duty Special
Region Agricultural Yogyakarta (UPTD-BPBPTDK DIY) done to study
performance reproduction on female cow. The effect this final task is arranged is
subject to be to insofar know which increases performance female cow
reproduction at UPTD BPBPTDK DIY so gets to add science and college student
knowledge. Downloading method is done with see reproduction note and
interview information result from staff at UPTD BPBPTDK. As parameter that is
utilized to determine reproduction state is long time to gestation, estrus post
partum, calving interval,days open, and service per conception. From note result
reproduction to be gotten that cow average in determine natal accuracy from year
to year results to usufruct that adverse. It can be seen from averagely long time to
gestation 268,92 ± 13,51 days, estrus post partum 42 days, calving interval (CI)
18,06 ± 7,46 moons , days open (DO) 263,5 ± 179,77 days, and service per
conception 4,04 ± 2,64 times. Appearance average state reproduces this adverse
from description upon can be concluded that performance reproduces haven't
reach ideal default as one is wanted for female cow breed at one particular ranch.